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Seaplane flight over Oahu

On March 3rd 2018 I experienced my first time in a Seaplane; actually it was my first time in a small aircraft, with just the pilot as our guide and my husband and I the only passengers. We spent an hour flying over Oahu - the weather wasn't great that day but I got my first thrill when we flew over Pride of America docked at Honolulu - she does her weekly embarkation/disembarkation every Saturday. My husband sat in the front next to the pilot as I sat behind taking photos out of the back windows - it was so exciting! We saw waterfalls, beaches, wind turbines, a giant Pineapple maze and then we banked and followed the path that the Japanese planes had taken on their way to bomb Pearl Harbour (my excitement gave way to other emotions, it was a very moving experience). 

We had been down to about 100ft below in a submarine the day before, and a Dolphin and Whale watching/snorkelling cruise the day before that, so we were thrilled to be seeing Oahu from such different perspectives. The next day we would experience Oahu by car as we took off for the North Shore in our hire car for our time at Turtle Bay. What a magical place...

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Sarah Webster

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