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Posted 08/08/2022 in India by Alan & Ginny Crocker

Kerala Backwaters private tour by houseboat

Kerala Backwaters private tour by houseboat

Think India?

Think Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Golden Temple, Ganges River, Varanasi, Delhi,  crowds, tourists, cows, rickshaws .................. ?

Think again.

For a truly unique experience why not take a houseboat from Allepe and sail through the backwaters of Kerala with your own crew, comprising cook, cleaner, boat operator and guide.

Kerala backwaters by private houseboat tour, our houseboat, Please Yourself Travel experience, Travel Agent Finder

Board the boat and meet your crew. 

Settle your belongings then sit back and relax as you meander through these serene backwaters.

Choose between sitting on the top deck or closer to the action below alongside your driver.

Passing through these backwaters you will come across farmed ducks released to gather food before being herded back to their farm.

Farmed Ducks, Kerala backwaters by private houseboat tour, Please Yourself Travel experience, Travel Agent Finder

In season you will pass beautiful lily pads covered in masses of pink colour.

Pink lilypads on Kerala backwaters by private houseboat tour, Please Yourself Travel experience, Travel Agent Finder

Travelling on you will pass rice paddies being worked mostly by manual labour. Loose rice that hits the water then becomes feed for the ducks. All this is done by manual labour, smiling faces and hard workers.

Rice paddies, Kerala backwaters by private houseboat tour, Please Yourself Travel experience, Travel Agent Finder

Get on a smaller boat and be taken through waterside villages, with boats tied out the front ready to transport goods to larger waters. Families line the waters to watch the passing traffic. All so rich in colour.

The locals, Kerala backwaters by private houseboat tour, Please Yourself Travel experience, Travel Agent Finder

A fascinating and peaceful contrast to the crowded cities elsewhere.

The Southern Indian food is very different to the north and you certainly get to experience diverse southern dishes on this journey.

Every meal is served with a different type of bread freshly cooked by the chef.

Coconut milk is used extensively and the flavours are delicious. So much fresh and flavoursome produce cooked fresh for your table.

Kerala backwaters by private houseboat tour, Please Yourself Travel dining experience, Travel Agent Finder

The only issue is to not overeat which is very tempting given your circumstances.

Nothing is too much trouble, and if you have a food request within reason it will happen.

Sightseeing just happens naturally as you meander through the waters.

However, if getting up close and personal is on your agenda this happens too.

The boat moors and you visit a temple only used for festivals but open for revenue. You may find its history interesting.

Kerala backwaters by private houseboat tour, Please Yourself Travel temple experience, Travel Agent Finder

Another stop will take you to a local water residence where you enjoy a home-cooked meal hosted by the family.

The whole experience is unique and characterful. We learnt so much in a relaxing and fun environment and would love to help others interested in planning for this unique and enriching experience. 

Kerala backwaters by private houseboat tour, Please Yourself Travel houseboat experience, Travel Agent Finder

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