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Posted 02/05/2023 in Africa

Victoria Falls

To truly appreciate the mighty Victoria Falls and surrounding area treat yourself to an incredible once-in-a-lifetime flight of Angel’s helicopter flight over the falls. You won’t regret it! My TOP PICK for your first visit to these mighty falls.

Helicopter flight over Victoria Falls, Africa travel expert

Victoria Falls is the adventure capital of Africa! Adrenalin junkies can choose from activities like white water rafting, ziplining and bungee jumping from the Victoria Falls bridge. If the season is right for you, enjoy the natural infinity pool on the edge of the Falls – Devils Pool. It gives you such a buzz. I ticked this experience off my bucket list last year!

Devils Pool, Victoria Falls, perfect for adrenalin junkies! Africa travel expert Gayle Rowson.

For something less adventurous, enjoy the Dusty Road Township Experience for lunch or dinner. The food is cooked the Zimbabwean way: on open fires and in cast iron pots and ovens, giving you an authentic, wholesome and tasty food experience.

Dusty Road Township Experience, Victoria Falls. Africa travel expert Gayle Rowson.

Here are some Victoria Falls facts for you.

  • The locals call Victoria Falls, Mosi-o-Tunya “The Smoke that Thunders” because of its noise and water splashes.
  • The falls are one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Famous Scottish explorer David Livingstone (1813-1873) named the falls after Queen Victoria.
  • The falls can be heard up to 40 kilometres away.
  • Located on the Zambezi River at the border between Zambia & Zimbabwe.
  • Its length is 1,700 metres and depending on the season
  • The height of falls is between 80 & 108 metres

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