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Posted 27/04/2024 in Foodie Travel by Allen Suss

Must-Try Delicacies for Food Lovers in Vienna

Must-Try Delicacies for Food Lovers in Vienna

Beyond Vienna's cultural grandeur as the capital of Austria, it offers many culinary experiences that foodie travellers will love.


As a Europe and Austrian travel expert, I want to share my favourite two food experiences with you - perfect for general travellers to Austria, but an absolute MUST for foodies. 

In Vienna, the iconic meal is a Wiener Schnitzel.

What is it?

A Viennese schnitzel, or Wiener Schnitzel in German, is a traditional Austrian dish that consists of a thinly pounded piece of veal, pork, or sometimes chicken, coated in flour, beaten eggs, and breadcrumbs, and then fried until golden brown. 

It's usually served with a slice of lemon and often accompanied by potato salad or fries.  Try it. You will love it.

The iconic Viennese meal, the Wiener Schnitzel, Austria travel.The iconic Viennese meal, Wiener Schnitzel.

TOP TIP: Don't ask for a Chicken Parmi in Austria!  

What do I most love eating in Vienna? A Bismarck Herring in a Baguette. 


What is it?

Bismarck herring is a tasty, marinated herring hailing from Northern European culinary traditions. It is very popular in Germany and Austria and is often used as an appetiser or accompaniment to bread or potatoes.  It is named after Otto von Bismarck, the first Chancellor of the German Empire. 

In Vienna, it is savoured within a baguette as a convenient way to relish this time-honoured delicacy while on the move.

Bismarck herring is made by filleting the herring and marinating the fillets in a blend of vinegar, sugar, onions, and an array of spices. This is then combined with gherkin, onion rings and parsley in a crispy baguette.

Try it; you may love it as I do!

Bismarck Herring in a Baguette, purchased from NordSee in Vienna's Old City, Austria Food Travels..Bismarck Herring in a baguette, a must-try when visiting Vienna's Old City.

Contact me here for assistance planning your Austrian holiday itinerary and more Austria travel advice and recommendations.

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Allen Suss

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