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Posted 25/07/2022 in Luxury Travel by Fiona Boileau

The Spicers Peak Experience

The Spicers Peak Experience

The song "The long and winding road" from the Beatles comes to mind as we drive up the hill to Spicers Peak Lodge. Yes, it is long, it is windy, and it leads to a door, a magnificent door. 

This retreat is situated in the High Country of the Scenic Rim. It has been recognised as the highest non-alpine lodge in Australia and the views are spectacular. From the moment you cross the grid at the bottom of the clearing and catch a glimpse of the buildings, you know you are in for a treat. The retreat is centred in a large clearing, and with the recent rain, is a glorious mishmash of green. My main complaint was that the cattle we saw along the way weren't Hereford, but Ken was happy with the Angus. As per usual we agree to disagree on this topic. © Spicers Retreats 

We were greeted with true warmth from the General Manager, Martin, as we entered the foyer. After the usual chit-chat, we were seated in the lounge and sipped champagne as we filled in the registration form and were introduced to the ins and outs of what we could expect. We have stayed several times, but each time is a little different. 

Dining at Spicers Peak Lodge, all-inclusive retreat

As this is an all-inclusive stay, we ensured we were in time for lunch. Always fresh and always interesting, we shared our plates as we could not decide. Sitting outdoors, and away from the hustle and bustle of city life, it was great just to sit back and take in the view.

Telephone Box Artwork Displays, Spicers Peak Lodge, Travel Agent Finder Fiona's trip© Spicers Retreats

After lunch, we took a walk around the property. It is a well-known fact that the owners of Spicers Peak are avid art collectors and it is refreshing to see special pieces scattered around not only the rooms but also the nearby paddocks. I loved what I called "The Tard is" in the back paddock. Who would think of putting a non-operational Red Phone Booth in the middle of nowhere? Very quirky. Perhaps a stopover for superman requiring a quick change. Then there is the "Eight Ball" in the tree. One would ask Why? But art is art!

The artwork within the rooms, hallways and common areas is also worth investigation. And something I consider a magnificent feature: the central fireplace in the main lounge area. The hand-hewn blue stone used to construct the towering central fireplace was once a ship ballast in Scotland more than a century ago. It certainly makes for a cosy gathering in winter.

Central fireplace in the main lounge area at Spicers Peak Lodge, Scenic Rim Australia© Spicers Retreats

Back in our room we settled on the deck with a refreshing drink and relaxed. These are the times we love when we can just sit, chat and rediscover ourselves. This is certainly the place to do it. 

Travel Agent Fiona Boileau's Spicers Peak stay - the bath inside their room.

Our room had a spa, so it was a natural progression to partake in champagne as we dodged the bubbles in the spa. A lot of laughter but so relaxing. 

If relaxing is not your thing, there are plenty of other things to do, tennis, swimming, hikes, bike rides or billiards. The choice is yours. 

One of my favourite things to do here at Spicers Peak is to experience the degustation dinner. I love being provided with wine that compliments the meal, or perhaps the meal that complements the wine. This time however there was another option, a BBQ on the highest point of the Lodge plateau. Sip cocktails as you savour the magnificent canapes prepared by the chef as you wait for the main meal to cook. It was a fun experience only marred by a summer downpour. It certainly didn't dampen the evening as umbrellas miraculously appeared and the night continued on. 

We love Spicers Peak and have been several times. We love the calm and relaxing atmosphere where we can hide from the world and reconnect. Yes, there are times we have shared in the available activities, but the choice is all yours. 

Some have commented that it is expensive, or costs an arm and a leg. Well, I have just two thoughts on that. One is that we have had a tough few years and we now need to come out of hibernation and celebrate life, we deserve it. Secondly, my grandfather only had one leg and he held Australian and World records for his swimming as an amputee, so he coped fine with only one leg .... just saying .....    

Whether it be a Spicers Peak, or something else, now is the time to get out and explore. Are you ready? I am here to assist!

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Fiona Boileau

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