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Seattle Quirks

Seattle Quirks

Seattle has never been on my radar to visit, but it surprised me once I began to explore. 

I knew about the Boeing Factory and some fish place, but that was it. Time was of the essence as I did not have long in this city, so I set out with a purpose to see what I could find. Pike Place Market was that "fish place", and what a treat. There were a lot of flowers, fruit and veggies for sale, but the drawcard was certainly the fishmongers. One store is known for its tradition of fishmongers throwing fish that customers have purchased before being wrapped. Fun to watch, and you just hoped they didn't drop the catch!

Seattle Travel Agent Australia, Pike Place MarketPike Place Market

Below the markets is another landmark. It is called the Market Theatre Gum Wall.

As the name suggests, it is a wall (actually more than one) covered in used chewing gum. If you can get past the thought of all the germs and saliva that must be on the wall, it is a piece of artwork. The council cleaned it up one year, but months later, it was back, so now it remains part of Seattle's quirkiness. I am quite sure my grandmother would not be impressed that I added to this monstrosity!

This area of town is well known for its chowder. As lunchtime approached, we decided to search for some to try. We came upon a restaurant called Pike Place Chowder and decided this was the place to settle in. I ordered the New England Clam Chowder. It came in a hollowed-out sourdough bread bowl. After my first taste, I knew I had made the right choice. It was the best chowder I had ever had. It was a busy place, and after seeing the placards announcing their awards, I could see why. I promised myself to make this on my return home, but that is another story!

I noticed many musicians busking—some on guitars, others on flutes, one with a violin and one interestingly on a piano. I have no idea how he dragged that around every day! All of this music made for a very happy atmosphere.

Naturally, when in Seattle, you need to go up the Seattle Space Needle, which is just one of those touristy things to do. But before that, we visited the Chihuly Gardens and Glass at the base of this structure.

I had never heard of it, nor had any expectations. How important could it be if not mentioned in our travel brochures? Well, what an experience! I won't go into the details of this incredible artist, but as we wandered from room to room, the amazing works of glass art enthralled us. To a degree, it reminded me of a Dr Seuss book. Such strange but beautiful designs and structures. These were not only within the building but spilled out into the garden. I am pleased Ken was not with me as I could picture him working out where one of these sculptures could fit in our yard.

Seattle Travel Expert Australia Chihuly Gardens and GlassChihuly Gardens and Glass

From one special place to the next; the Space Needle.

Perhaps not for those who have Claustrophobia and Acrophobia. The lift was fast but had a glass wall to see the sights, and it was a long way down! The view was spectacular. There were notes around the edges explaining what you were seeing. You can stand on the glass floor and look down if you dare. That was not for me!

The last two stops required transport as they are not in the city centre. We drove to the Gas Works Park on the north shore of Lake Union. It is a 19.1 acre public park with fabulous views of the city. Perhaps this is where they designed the title for "Frasier" from back in the 90s, as I could see the skyline. I did find it unusual with the old gas plant still there, rusting for the world to see. But as mentioned previously, I have found Seattle to be a bit quirky, so consider this another quirk!

Our final stop, which takes quirkiness to a new level, is a visit to the Troll. He is called the Fremont Troll and is a public sculpture in the Fremont Neighbourhood. It is not something that is there for all to see. He is tucked away under a bridge, so perhaps not something that you would easily find. I have no idea why he is there or even built, but he is a fun find in the suburbs of Seattle.

Seattle Travel Expert Australia, Fremont TrollFremont Troll

I always thought of Seattle as a stop before your cruise, or perhaps if you were in the market for an aeroplane. However, I now know it has so much more to offer. Next time you are in the USA, consider adding Seattle to your sightseeing list. You never know; you may also be surprised.

If I can help you plan your time in Seattle, please  send me a message and I'll be in touch!   

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Fiona Boileau

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