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Cambodia is extremely versatile from top to bottom. Most have heard of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Angkor Wat, the enormous Buddhist Temple, but did you know that it was originally built as a Hindu Temple in the early 12th century? Not that it really matters but this is an indication of the historical importance of this sacred site. In 1113, King Suryavarman II ascended the throne and ruled until about 1150, expanding the power of Angkor. The later named Khmer were ingenious in their construction of irrigation channels and reservoirs providing an abundance of harvested crops for the people. I don't usually steer people to websites but if you are interested, Angkor-wat.org has brilliant photos and historical reports on the park.

While in Siem Reap, the Phar Circus and Apsara dancers are a delight to watch. Do book ahead as both are extremely popular. 

Tonle Sap Lake is another site of interest. Here you will find a floating school, markets on water and even a crocodile farm on a barge. It is interesting to note from our first visit to our last just how those crocs had grown. The lake's inhabitants move up and down the river on their barge homes according to the tides and rainfall. The town of Kompong Khleang is the largest in southeast Asia. 

Many are not aware that Cambodia has spectacular beaches like Sihanoukville, Coconut and Kep are all wonderful for swimming while others are noted for great fishing. 

Phnom Penh can be sobering with much of the Kymer and Pol Pot atrocities evident at the 'Killing Fields'. It is not unusual to see limbless men in the town playing music for the tourists and locals alike. Phnom Penh is the lifeblood of Cambodia and the economic and industrial centre. There are many beautiful temples that rival those in other Asian countries. Travel to Cambodia with us at Enticing Destinations. Our Hotel of choice is the SHINTA MANI and the SHINTA MANI CLUB - both well priced. 

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