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Posted 26/09/2023 in United States of America USA

A Nevada Road Trip to Remember! Exploring the Extraterrestrial Highway.

A Nevada Road Trip to Remember! Exploring the Extraterrestrial Highway.

Are you ready for an adventure out of this world? Buckle up, because we're taking a road trip along the Extraterrestrial Highway. 

Located in Nevada, this route is known for its wide-open spaces, mysterious sightings, and rumoured alien encounters. Home of the real X-Files, it attracts those who are interested in the paranormal or those who are looking for something a bit different. Boy, does it deliver! 

Starting out from Las Vegas, you'll hit the ground running with stunning scenery immediately after leaving the Strip. Driving through the Joshua Trees, you'll notice the peculiar landscape. The twisted branches and the unique rock formations look almost otherworldly, making it the perfect location for the many movies made in this region. This part of the Mojave Desert, where many Joshua Trees are found, is one of the largest protected zones in the world, and it's also believed to be a hotspot for alien activity. Many people have reported seeing strange lights and objects hovering in the sky. So, as you're driving through, keep your camera handy and your eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary!

Joshua Trees in the Mojave Desert, part of which is in Nevada.Joshua Trees in the Mojave Desert.

As you continue to the Extraterrestrial Highway, be sure to make a stop at the famous Dry Lake. This mysterious area is believed to have been a testing site for military exercises, but conspiracy theorists suggest it was also a meeting place for extraterrestrials. Some have even claimed to have seen strange lights around the lake. Whether it's military testing or UFOs, this spot will leave you wondering. 

The mysterious dry lake bed on the way to Area 51 in Nevada.

No visit to the Extraterrestrial Highway is complete without a stop at the Little A'Le'Inn. This quirky, alien-themed restaurant and motel has become a pilgrimage site for alien enthusiasts. The Inn is decorated with extraterrestrial memorabilia, and you can even buy a t-shirt that says, "I Survived The Extraterrestrial Highway". The staff are friendly and welcoming, and the food is plentiful. I recommend their famous Alien Burger, for the Instagram photos and touristy fun, if nothing else! Here, you'll have ample opportunities to exchange alien stories with fellow travellers and pick up a few eccentric souvenirs.

Stop at the Little Ale'Inn at Rachel, on your road trip of the Extraterrestrial Highway, Nevada.The Menu at the Little Ale'Inn at Rachel, on your road trip of the Extraterrestrial Highway, Nevada.Lunch stop at the Little Ale'Inn at Rachel, on your road trip of the Extraterrestrial Highway, Nevada.

A must-stop for alien enthusiasts is the Little A'Le'Inn in Rachel, Nevada.

Just a short distance away from the Little A'Le'Inn is the Black Mailbox. This famous lone mailbox on the side of the highway is a hotspot for alien enthusiasts and UFOlogists, and it's believed to be a meeting point for covert organisations and extraterrestrials. The mailbox has been shot at, stolen, destroyed, and rebuilt several times. So, whether you get to see it on your trip is not something I can guarantee.

How do you visit Area 51?  

You can't. While Area 51 is a real place, it is not a tourist attraction. It is part of a top-secret, active military testing facility protected by some of the most extreme security measures in the world. 

Located not far from Rachel, in Nevada, you will see signage at any entrance to the large space that is referred to as Area 51, promising deadly force for those who do not obey these warnings. 

There are reports of listening devices and cameras hidden inside the Joshua trees and landscapes around this area. Is it all for the tourist show? Or are they really hiding something other-worldly? Surely, their purpose is to keep curious visitors away from the top-secret military facility, but these reports of course also add to the hype and secrecy, fuelling conspiracy-lovers. 

So, if you're heading down the E.T. Highway looking for answers, you might find that you will instead come away with more questions. You will, however, have an unforgettable and fun adventure along the way! While you might not find definitive proof of extraterrestrial life, you'll certainly feel the thrill of exploring one of the world's most unique and talked about destinations. 

The truth is out there.  
But is it out here? ... Maybe! There is only one way to find out.  

Pack your bags, fill up your tank and get ready for a truly out-of-this-world road trip on the Extraterrestrial Highway.

Connect with a Nevada travel expert and find out more about travelling in Nevada here.

A bit of fun on our road trip along the Extraterrestrial Highway and on to Area 51.Don't forget to get into the spirit of things and have some fun along the way!